Pregnancy desire advice
Do you want to become pregnant? Then it is important to prepare yourself well. This way, you will give your baby the best possible chance of being born healthy.
Folic acid reduces the risk of having a baby with spina bifida, an ossified skull or an open lip. Folic acid is available in tablets of 0.4 or 0.5 mg and can be bought at the chemist's or pharmacy. Start taking it from the moment you want to become pregnant.
Stop smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs. These substances are harmful to an unborn baby. It is therefore better to stop before you become pregnant. Smoking and alcohol decrease your fertility. Women who smoke also have a higher chance of having a miscarriage.
Medicines can be harmful during pregnancy and can lead to birth defects. Many medicines are known to have an effect on the baby during pregnancy. Your doctor or pharmacist can tell you more about this. If you want to get pregnant, always ask first whether the medicine is safe to use.
In some families, certain hereditary diseases or congenital defects occur. It is important to find out more about them before you become pregnant. Try to find out who in your family has the condition and whether it is a genetic disorder. If necessary, your family doctor can refer you to a clinical geneticist. He or she can inform you about the condition, the extent to which it is inherited, possibilities for testing, carrier status, and the likelihood that your future child(ren) will have the disease. Genetic testing often takes a long time. If you ever want to have children, do not wait too long before you have your test done. Try to get clarity before you are actually pregnant. Your GP can refer you to a clinical geneticist if necessary.
Being overweight can reduce your fertility and gives 3x more chance of miscarriage. Overweight women also have a higher risk of complications during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, or artificial childbirth. If you are overweight, your baby may be born too heavy or too light. If you want to get pregnant and you are a few kilos overweight, try to lose weight first! You can do this, for instance, with the help of a dietician.
You can also complete the questionnaire at www.zwangerwijzer.nl
It will take 15 minutes to fill in the questionnaire and you will be able to see if there are any risks for your pregnancy and your baby. After answering the questions, you will receive an overview of your answers and more information about any risks. You can make a printout of this overview and bring it to our pregnancy desire consultation.

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