Early ultrasound
An early ultrasound, also called a vitality ultrasound, is done before the 10th week of pregnancy. The best time for an early ultrasound is around 8 weeks. The purpose of the ultrasound is to see whether the pregnancy is vital; whether the heart is beating, whether the pregnancy has implanted in the right place (not ectopic), and whether there is one baby (or perhaps more). A vitality ultrasound is usually an internal ultrasound through the vagina.
For many women it is necessary to have an early ultrasound. In that case, the ultrasound is also covered by your health insurance.
Reasons for a vitality ultrasound are:
- If you have blood loss and/or abdominal pain
- If you have had a previous miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy
- If you can't remember when your last period was, or if your cycle is irregular
- If you became pregnant unplanned
- If you became pregnant through IUI, IVF or ICSI or if it took a long time to become pregnant
- If you have become pregnant while using contraception
- If you have become pregnant while still breastfeeding
- If you experience a lot of nausea and or vomiting
- If the midwife suspects that there may be an ectopic pregnancy or twins
Are one or more of the above reasons applicable to you? Tell our assistant during your registration or discuss it with your midwife. We can then schedule a vitality ultrasound for you.
Would you like to have an early ultrasound, but you have no medical indication? No problem at all! PUUR offers you the possibility to have a vitality ultrasound at your own expense. You can find more information here.
When you come for an ultrasound at PUUR for the first time, we will ask you if you want to use the link of the ultrasound images with Tricefy. With this link you get the ultrasound photos and videos digitally sent to your phone during every ultrasound at PUUR! These images are automatically saved on your phone and are very easy to share with others. The link with Tricefy costs 5 euros once and can be paid at the first ultrasound in cash or by check.
Of course you will also receive a few printed photos, even if you do not use the link with Tricefy.