Pregnancy desire consultation

Do you have a desire to expand your family and would you like advice on getting pregnant in a healthy way? Then make an appointment with the midwife for a childbirth consultation before you get pregnant.

During the child wish consultation, we can advise you (depending on your questions and personal situation) about:

  • Taking medicines and getting pregnant
  • Fertility
  • Risks of congenital abnormalities
  • Quitting smoking
  • Obesity and pregnancy desire

Making an appointment

Contact us and the assistant will schedule an appointment with you.


Consciously taking a moment to consider your own health can prevent complications during pregnancy. Take a look at our advice to see if there are any changes you can make in your lifestyle. You can also fill in the questionnaire at It will take 15 minutes to fill in the questionnaire and you will be able to see if there are any risks for your pregnancy and your baby. After answering the questions, you will receive an overview of your answers and more information about any risks. You can make a printout of this overview and bring it to our pregnancy consultation.

Quitting Smoking Folic acid Overweight